Аккорды с текстом песни Stephen - Senses Fail
hello- this is stephen by senses fail
drop d tuning dadgbe
--7-----7-----7----7------play a few times--------|
intro 2 gt. 1 i put spaces to put the in between to make feeling right
play 7 and 3 2x more than shown
verse for guitars
pre chorus for both guitars
goodbye steven
you were so young-you were so young
verse 2 for guitars palm everything but gt.2 pt 2 of verse 2
gt 2 part 2
the sun shined so brightly
repeat pre chorus and chorus
-----5---5---5---------palm it-----------------------|
then guitar 2 comes in around 3:00
--5---5---5--------repeat a bunch--------------------|
then the last outro with screaming and before just repeat the intro or verse 2 without palming
bon appetite